Often times in life we fear. These fears we have set our limitations. It becomes our comfort zone. When we stay in this comfort zone of ours we are not allowing ourselves to grow. Life starts to get repetitive and we start missing out on the wonders of our life. All for what? Comfortability?. As long as you are uncomfortable, that means you are growing somewhere. I am constantly trying to make choices that put me out of my comfort zone. As we push our limits, we might often times find ourselves back where we started. Our comfort zones. That’s when we can choose to either go deeper and explore more or we can stay where we are and be content. Explore the unknown or try to find something new without exploring. We have to keep pushing our comfort zones if we want to go out and explore the unknown. I’m not trying to stay comfortable.
https://tamuceasttexan.com/staff/?writer=Evan%20Luecke (journalistic writing)
https://twitter.com/SUUWBasketball (all tweets dating back to January 2nd our mine)
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